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Timothy Henkel
Office: POY 219G
Phone: (727) 873-4978

Director, Center for Innovative Teaching & Learning

  • Ph.D. Marine Biology, University of North Carolina Wilmington

  • Master of Science, Marine Biology, University of North Carolina Wilmington

  • Bachelor of Science, Biology, Cook College, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey

Selected Publications
  • Derting, T. L., Ebert-May, D., Henkel, T. P., Maher, J. M., Arnold, B., Passmore, H. A. 2016. Assessing faculty professional development in STEM higher education: Sustainability of outcomes. 2(3), e1501422.

  • Ebert-May, D., Derting,T.L,  Henkel, T.P., Middlemis Maher,J., Momsen,J.L, Arnold,B.  and Passmore, H.A. 2015. Breaking the Cycle: Future Faculty Begin Teaching with Learner-Centered Strategies after Professional Development. CBE-Life Sciences Education 14.

  • Loh, T.-L., S.E. McMurray, T.P. Henkel, J. Vicente, and Pawlik, J.R. 2015. Indirect effects of overfishing on Caribbean reefs: sponges overgrow reef-building corals. PeerJ 3:e901.

  • Henkel, T.P. and Pawlik, J.R. 2014. Cleaning mutualist or parasite?  Classifying the association between the brittlestar Ophiothrix lineata and the Caribbean reef sponge Callyspongia vaginalis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 454:42-48.

  • Derting, T., K.S. Williams, J.L. Momsen, Henkel, T.P. 2011. Education Research: Set a High Bar. Science. 333 (6047):1220-1221.