Digital Commons Data @ USF (DCD), maintained by USF Libraries, is a repository for USF affiliates to publish and preserve digital data for public use and future accessibility. Depositing research materials (e.g., datasets, coding manuals, images, video, etc.) associated with publications and/or grant-funded projects helps researchers share information and comply with data sharing policies.
In DCD, you can create data collaboration workflows, leveraging versioning capabilities to organize, annotate, and share your materials in one project environment. Datasets records - designed to be FAIR - are discoverable from a number of search engines, including Google Dataset Search, DataCite, OpenAIRE, and Data Monitor. All submissions will undergo a curatorial review prior to the data being made publicly available and be assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for citation purposes.
All currently affiliated members of USF can deposit their data in the repository. Interested students should contact us at before uploading content.