University of South Florida St. Petersburg Campus MyUSF  |  My Library Accounts

Library Circulation Items

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Christine Dunleavy
Manager, Collection Development & Technical Services
Phone: (727) 873-4718

Laptops for Use within the USF St. Petersburg Library

Laptops for on-site use in the Nelson Poynter Memorial Library has been temporary suspended, due to social distancing measures at USF. Any laptops that are checked out are for extended time periods, for off-site use. For laptops for use by Faculty and Staff, please contact your department or USF St. Petersburg campus computing.


Laptops for Off-site Use for USF St. Petersburg Students

New!!!  The USF St. Petersburg library has a limited number of laptops available for eligible students to borrow for the Semester.   These laptops were jointly purchased by USF St. Petersburg & USF St. Petersburg Campus Student Government.


Please note, if you are a USF Tampa campus student, the USF Tampa library has a similar laptop borrowing program.  Visit:

After a student has been approved and completed the laptop application process,

students can make an appointment for local pickup or request for laptops to be mailed if living outside Pinellas County.


Laptop Pickup times:

Monday thru Thursday: 9 AM - 5 PM

Friday: 9 AM-4:30 PM

  • Last appointment for pickup is at 4:30 PM on Friday
  • Laptops will not be available for pickup on weekends
  • Applications submitted after 4:30 PM on Friday will be processed on Monday
  • Currently enrolled USF St. Petersburg students can request to borrow laptops by contacting Access Services through Circulation Email
  • A staff member will send out further information regarding laptop borrowing guidelines and a laptop borrowing form. 
  • Requests cannot be processed further until the DocuSign form is completed. 
  • For local pickups / dropoffs, please make an appointment with a staff member. You can call the Circulation desk or email Circulation Email

If you have questions about this program, please call the library Circulation desk at 727-873-4405 or email Circulation Email

If you need any assistance with your laptop, please contact
USF St. Petersburg Campus Computing
(727) 873-4357
USF St. Petersburg Campus Computing