University of South Florida St. Petersburg Campus MyUSF  |  My Library Accounts

Hold Requests and Recall Notices

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Christine Dunleavy - USF St. Petersburg
Manager, Collection Development & Technical Services

Office: POY 213
Phone: (727) 873-4718

Placing a Hold Request

Hold request may be placed online for library materials that are currently checked out.  Sign into your library account by going through the online renewal system with your USF ID 205000…. and your birth MM/DD.

You may then search the catalog for item(s) you’d like to place a hold request on. Once you have placed a hold request you may review your request in your library account at any point.

When the items are received in the library, we will notify you by email, phone, or mail that your item(s) have arrived. Items will be held for 7-10 days at the circulation desk. A valid USF ID is needed to checkout materials.


Recall Notices Due to a Hold

A Recall occurs when a patron has placed a hold request on an item checked out to you. All library materials, excluding reserve items, are subject to recall at any time. Recall of an item may change the original due date of the item you have checked out.  Recalled items must be returned by the due date specified in the recall notice.

View the Guideline on Recall Notices