University of South Florida St. Petersburg Campus MyUSF  |  My Library Accounts

Florida Studies Research Guide: St. Petersburg campus

Access Course Reserves & Readings

  • Print course reserves are available at the USF St. Petersburg campus library, 1st floor library services desk.
  • Electronic course reserves may be available to students within their Canvas course.
  • USF Libraries: Students can search for course reserves in the catalog by going to the library website, highlighting the "Course Reserves" tab just above the search box, and typing in the faculty member's last name or course number (e.g., "HUM6814" with no spaces in between the prefix and number). Results will include ONLY print books in the collections. E-books and articles must be searched using the author and/or title of the item.

Access Materials via Interlibrary Loan

If USF does not provide direct access to the material you need, please use one of our interlibrary loan options:

Uborrow offers fast delivery of print books from other FL colleges and universities. Search the USF Libraries Catalog under “Statewide Catalog”, click “Check for Available Services” and then “UBorrow Request” under How to Get it.

ILL offers email delivery, often within a day, of articles and book chapters in PDF format.

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