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This is a compilation of helpful resources in the area of leadership studies. Many of these resources will be multidisciplinary. Use this guide to get started in your research.

Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence

Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence with University Professor Richard Boyatzis at Case Western Reserve University

Emotional intelligence, hope, mindfulness, and compassion help a person reverse the damage of chronic stress and build great leadership relationships. The Positive and Negative Emotional Attractors inspire sustained, desired change and learning at many levels.

About the Course

Great leaders move us through our emotions. They establish a deep emotional connection with others called resonance. Their own levels of emotional intelligence allow them to create and nurture these resonant relationships. They use their EI as a path to resonant leadership through mindfulness, hope, compassion, and playfulness. Unfortunately, most people in leadership and helping positions (i.e., doctors, teachers, coaches, etc.) lose their effectiveness over time because of the cumulative damage from chronic stress. But humans can renew themselves, neurologically, hormonally, and emotionally.

Based on decades of research into emotional intelligence competencies and longitudinal studies of their development, the course will examine resonance and developing "resonant leadership" capability, emotional intelligence, and the experiences of mindfulness, hope, and compassion. Using the latest in neuroscience, behavioral, organizational and psychological research, participants will understand the theory, research, and experience of the Positive Emotional Attractor that is an essential beginning to sustained, desired change for individuals, teams, organizations and communities. 

The course will consist of nine classes, with three or so modules per class, to be taken over 8 weeks. Each module will consist of a video, assigned and recommended readings, reflective exercises, writing in your Personal Journal, and on-line, asynchronous discussions. Each class will have personal learning assignments to use and tests of comprehension. 

Better Leader, Richer Life

Better Leader, Richer Life with University Professor and best-selling author Stewart D. Freidmanat at University of Pennsylvania

The Total Leadership approach will help you become a better leader by having a richer life and have a richer life by becoming a better leader. Learn a practical, proven method for how to articulate your core values and vision; build trust with your most important people; and achieve "four-way wins" -- improved performance at work or in school, at home with your family, in your community, and for your self (mind, body, spirit). It's not about "work/life balance"; it's about creating harmony among the different parts of your life as a leader in all of them.

About the Course

Life is a zero-sum game, right?  The more you strive to win in one dimension (such as your work or school), the more you have to sacrifice in the other dimensions (family, community, and the private self).  Described in the best-selling, award-winning book Total Leadership: Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life (Harvard Business, 2008) and in the soon-to-be published Leading the Life You Want: Skills for Integrating Work and Life (Harvard Business, 2014), this course teaches you a proven method that shows how you don’t always have to make trade-offs between life’s most important domains, and certainly not as often as you think.  Nor should you!  A trade-off mindset makes people feel all manner of stress – unfocused, resentful, and overwhelmed.  It hurts those you care about and prevents you from performing effectively to produce results that matter in every part of your life. 

In this course you learn how to articulate your values and personal leadership vision, cultivate supportive relationships with people who matter most in all parts of your life, and continually experiment with how you get things done to better align your actions with your values -- and so produce positive sustainable change.  This step-by-step method for pursuing what professor Stew Friedman calls "four-way wins" has enabled people all over the world to become more successful and satisfied leaders in all parts of life: work (or school), home, community, and the private self (mind, body, and spirit). 

Inclusive Leadership Training: Becoming a Successful Leader

Inclusive Leadership Training: Becoming a Successful Leader

Learn 21st-century leadership skills, apply concepts to real-world situations and start your journey to the next level of leadership.

About this Course

What separates a successful leader from a mediocre one? In this course, you will learn what successful 21st-century leaders look like and how you can adopt their inclusive leadership style. Using research and best practices, as well as stories from great leaders and everyday people, you will practice empowerment, accountability, courage, and humility—key leadership skills linked to inclusive, successful teams. Throughout the course, you will meet people like yourself, who want to be the best leaders they possibly can by incorporating inclusive leadership into their everyday lives. With short quizzes and compelling case studies, you will refine your skills each week. Most importantly, you will apply your new leadership skills through exciting real-life exercises. At the end of the course, you will create a Personal Leadership Plan that will help you continue to develop your skills, knowledge, and awareness in your quest to become a successful leader.