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Nelson Poynter Memorial Library Gallery

Stacy Pearsall: USF St. Petersburg Veterans Portrait Project

Stacy Pearsall: USF St. Petersburg Veterans Portrait Project


Stacy Pearsall arrived at USF St. Petersburg on March 29, 2018, with her portable photography studio, her assistant and her service dog Charlie, to shoot portraits of veterans connected to USF St. Petersburg.  Previously, the Places, Spaces and Art office, in collaboration with the Military Veterans Success Center, had reached out to invite students, alumni, faculty and staff to sign up to sit for a portrait.  Each subject received high resolution digital files of their pictures.  Over three days the Veterans Center, which was the location of the photography studio, hosted over thirty individuals ranging from current students to veterans in their seventies and eighties.

The exhibition in Poynter Gallery which displayed most of these portraits, communicated to the larger campus community the diverse members of that community who have also served our nation.

The stories told in pictures were further expanded thanks to the Janet Keeler, Instructor in the Journalism and Digital Communication program who oversaw journalism students Emily Wunderlich and Delaney Brown as they interviewed portrait subjects and wrote their stories.  The stories were also displayed as part of the exhibit.

Read more about Stacy Pearsall and the Veterans Portrait Project.