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University of South Florida St. Petersburg Campus MyUSF  |  My Library Accounts

Access Services

Library Laptops Box

USF St. Petersburg Library Laptops 

Laptops for on-site use in the Nelson Poynter Memorial Library are now available for checkout. For laptops for use by Faculty or Staff, please contact your department or USF St. Petersburg campus computing.


The USF St. Petersburg library provides twenty (20) Lenovo Flex 14 laptops to USF students. Available for use within the library, these computers are wireless “WiFi” ready, and contain all programs included in the Microsoft Office Suite (ie. Powerpoint, Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, Internet Access).




  • Laptops are checked out through the Library Services Desk, and require a USF ID and signed borrower agreement.
  • Laptops are checked out to your library account for a three (3) hour period in the same manner as a book.
  • Laptops are for use within the USF St. Petersburg Library building only, and must be returned promptly or an overdue fine will accrue at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) per hour, maximum $50.00 fine. After 5 hours of being overdue, laptop is billed as lost with a $20.00 non refundable processing fee.
  • For maximum portability, students may also check out a USB Thumb drive to take their work home with them. Headsets are available upon request.
  • For a list of available software that can accessed by laptops via the USF Application Gateway, please visit:
  • For application locations for virtual labs as well as physical labs and laptops for checkout, please visit:


To check out a laptop inquire at the Access Services desk between these hours:


Monday – Thursday

8 AM to 8 PM




9 AM to 4 PM

9 AM to 4 PM



1 PM to 8 PM


Note that these hours are during the regular semester, summer and holiday hours may differ. Additionally, we have set the checkout policy to limit the checkout of laptops in the afternoon & evening hours; this is to assure that the equipment is returned to circulation to be cleaned and secured before the library closes.

If you have questions about laptops for checkout, please call the library services desk at 727-873-4405.

If you need any assistance with your laptop, please contact the USF Library Student Technology Helpdesk, located on the first floor of the library.


Laptops for Off-site Use for USF St. Petersburg Students (No longer library-based)

The USF St. Petersburg library has suspended the COVID-19 laptops for extended loan program.  However, there are still a limited number of laptops available for eligible students with a demonstrated need.  For more information, contact the USF St. Petersburg Campus Computing department, or the St. Petersburg Dean of Students.


Please note, if you are a USF Tampa campus student, the USF Tampa library has a similar laptop borrowing program. 

Visit: USF Tampa Library Laptops for Checkout

If you need any assistance with your Off-site laptop, please contact
USF St. Petersburg Campus Computing
(727) 873-4357
USF St. Petersburg Campus Computing